About Me



Principle Osteopath & Owner

I am fully registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and
a member of the Institute of Osteopathy (iO).

I graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 2010 after
completing a BSc (Hons) degree in Osteopathy.

In my career so far as an osteopath I have worked alongside and been
mentored by a 3rd generation osteopath, who drastically changed my
view on osteopathy. In doing so, I developed a unique style of
osteopathy, which I have found to be more holistic – not just looking
at the area of pain but regarding  the body as a whole and how it may
have affected other areas or been effected by problems elsewhere in
the body. I have found this method to be much more efficient and
effective, reducing the number of treatments required significantly.

I specialise in treating pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain (PGP)
but have treated people from all walks of life from as young as 6 days
old to men and women in their 90s.

Outside the treatment room, I am a mum to my daughter, Leona, who is
dance crazy and generally slightly bonkers! I enjoy CrossFit, yoga and
kayaking in my spare time. I used to live in the Alps once upon a time
so I’m always looking to get back on the slopes to feel the freedom of
skiing down a mountain!

Some kind words from our clients

“I have suffered with pain and stiffness in my joints and muscles for the last few years which was aggravated by a car accident. After just three osteopathy sessions I felt like I had been given a new lease of life. I am now largely pain free and with each session I look forward to further improvement in flexibility.  Thank you Rebecca!”


“Thank you so much for helping me with all my aches and pains and getting me walking properly again!”


“Being 6’6″ tall and not having the best posture, I’ve suffered with problems in my legs and lower back. With a few osteopathy sessions the majority of the pain has gone and this has allowed me to take part in a couple of charitable running events. I’m not built for running, but I could not have started any event without your treatment. Thank you.”


“Having ridden motorcycles since the late seventies and crashed them fairly frequently I have had problems with my neck and shoulders…this has also not been helped by tattooing at various angles over the last twenty years…Rebecca has dealt with these superbly, tattooing today had none of the usual aches and pains, I cannot believe the fluidity of my neck muscles and less tension in my shoulders, outstanding”


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